Thursday 26 March 2009

My Dream Car

It's quite modest for a dream car, but I dream with it for quite a while already.
I'm not sure why, but I really like this Mercedez A-Class.

Because it's a modest dream and it's what I really want, I think I'll be able to get mine soon.
Of course I wouldn't mind one of those:
But I'm quite satisfied with my A-Class.

Wednesday 18 March 2009

More about my house

Well, I just had to start mixing up many features that I want and some things that I liked...
I definitely need an indoor swimming pool. Well, for starters I'm thinking of a house in England.
I don't mind buying this one ready, and maybe have only a few things redone. Later on I'll start planning the one I'll build from scratch in Brasil.
So, here we go:
indoor swimming pool;
lots of outdoor space (as much as possible);
everything clean, clear, big, open;
nice big kitchen with many appliances;
good living room and cinema room;
nice bathroom, with a great shower and a nice jacuzzi;
a sauna would be also good.
guest rooms and lots of parking places;
good and comfortable small extra house (optional);
very important: everything powered by sun and wind power.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Can't take too long to choose the house...

I'll post more pictures of my next house soon. Just thought I shouldn't take too long to start.
It was hard to choose the pictures and let go of that feeling that some houses were too expensive for me. Like, at one house I thought, no, this house is more expensive than Cristiano Ronaldo's, I can't ever afford that. But one thing I'm learning is to dream limitless, as dreams should always be.

Saturday 14 February 2009

Vision Blog

I have been reading a bit about visual boards lately, after wondering about them and wanting to create one for some years.
The first time I heard about this idea was from my mom, after she watched a lecture about "The Treasure Map" on TV.
Later I came to understand that this was one way to use a visual board. I know it had some other details, like the background should be green, and some special mentalizations. But I don't remember most of it, so, after by luck I discovered that what I was looking for was called "Visual Board" I started googling it.
I found many ideas and even software to create it. One of the people I enjoyed more was Christine Kane who also talked about other ideas, as journals. I liked this idea, but then thought it would be much more practical to make a blog. So here it is!